• Elementary School Reconfiguration

    PCSD Launches Reconfiguation Website

    Spanish Website Launch


  • Elementary School Reconfiguration Proposal

    The Elementary Division of Instruction and stakeholders have formed a task force with the goal of restructuring the elementary buildings in order to target and build student academic, social, and emotional success.  The plan would involve a reconfiguration of grand bands at each elementary school buildings in order to focus on developmentally appropriate and specific skills needed at each age group.

    Two buildings, Krieger and Morse, would house grade PreK-2 and three buildings (Clinton, Smith, and Warring) would house grade 3-5.  For the full presentation presented to the board of education on November 15, 2023, please view the document below.  To view the presentation, you can watch the video (starting at 2:18:17).

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.