
  • Mission

    Instrucciones en español

    The Poughkeepsie City School District registers all students through our Central Registration Office from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday through Friday by appointment only.

    All parents/guardians must complete the following fillable forms. Fillable forms should be saved electronically on your computer and a copy emailed to:

    Forms may also be mailed to:

    Poughkeepsie City School District

    Central Registration Office

    18 S. Perry St. 

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    Please note that mailed forms may take longer to process.

    Reach us at 845-437-3480.

    Instructions for fillable forms:

    All forms provided are fillable using PDF readers provided on most electronic devices.

    1. Once you open each form, you’ll see highlighted fields in which you’ll type your answers.
    2. Complete the form by filling in all required fields
    3. When you get to the signature line, you may be prompted to create a digital signature, and follow the directions on-screen. If you don’t receive this prompt, move to step 4. Otherwise, move to 4c
    4. Hit the “Save As” or similar button/command
      1. Add your child’s name and a hyphen to the document title IE Avery Smith-PCSD Student Registration and Enrollment Form
      2. Save that document
      3. Verify you have the filled-in form saved
    5. After completing all required forms and saving them, email them to the email address above.

    * Mobile phone users: You’ll need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app and open the forms in that. Use the Fill and Sign feature to fill them in and then save as indicated above.

    Fillable Registration Forms Required for All Students Including Pre-K

    PCSD Student Registration and Enrollment Form

    Migrant Education Program form

    Military Service form

    Housing survey

    Home language questionnaire

    PreK Emergent Multilingual Learners

    Records Consent Form

    Records Release Request

    PCSD Registro del Alumno y Formulario de Inscripcion

    Formulario del Programa de Educación Migrante

    Cuestionario De Vivienda Poughkeepsie City School District

    Formulario de servicio militar


    Formulario para estudiantes emergentes multilingües de PreK

    More forms:
    McKinney/Vento Homeless Information
    Student Health Appraisal Form

    After parent(s)/guardian(s) have filed a complete enrollment application packet with Central Registration Office and have presented the required proofs, Central Registration will request transcripts from student’s previous school and forward the registration packet to the appropriate building. When applicable, selected packet components will be sent to the ESL teacher of the school the child is entering, Student Services, Tech Central and Food Services. Once a review of the student’s placement requirements has been completed by the school,  parent(s)/guardian(s) will be called by a representative from that school to schedule an appointment to complete the enrollment process. Please be advised that the building principal or guidance counselor will provide the information about student class placement. If class sizes in certain neighborhood elementary schools reach maximum numbers, a new entrant may have to attend another elementary school outside the neighborhood attendance area. No student records/files will be retained at the Central Registration Office. Each building is responsible for creating and holding all student files.

    To newly register or re-enroll their child or children, parents need to bring the following:

    Documents Needed to Register
    Acceptable Proof of Residence
    Acceptable Proof of Identity
    Acceptable Proof of Birth/Custody/Immunization
    Residency Letter Templates and Affidavits

    Admission of non-resident students

    Board Policy 5152 (Admission of Non-Resident Students) identifies the conditions under which students who move out of the district may remain in the school on a non-tuition paying basis. It also identifies how a non-resident student may be admitted to district schools upon payment to the district of the Board-adopted tuition charge.

    Registration of students returning to the district

    Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students who have left the district and are now returning must go to the Central Registration office to complete a new enrollment packet and to submit all updated documentation as appropriate.