Upcoming Events
February 4, 2025
Elementary Parent Teacher Conference (1/2 Day for Elementary School)
February 5, 2025
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM School Board Regular Meeting
February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
Charles B. Warring Elementary School
Charles B. Warring Elementary School is one of four elementary schools serving City of Poughkeepsie students. In 2019-2020 enrollment was 374.
Address: 283 Mansion St.
Phone: 845-451-4751 (During the COVID-19 pandemic, call 845-264-3940)
Principal: Nicole A. Penn,npenn@poughkeepsieschools.org
Main Office hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
School hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
School Nurse: 845-451-4755
Warring Headlines
Warring students tour campus to begin elementary initiative
The tour was part of the Poughkeepsie City School District’s ongoing focus on college and career readiness for all students. District counselors in recent years have exposed elementary students to the details of higher education, such as what dorm life looks like and what areas can be studied there, in order to get the kids thinking about what success in school can lead to.
Morse, Warring recycling art projects win county contest
Projects from Morse Elementary fourth graders and Warring Elementary fifth graders swept the Third-to-Fifth-Grade category of Dutchess County government’s inaugural “America Recycles Day Art Challenge.”
Warring students recycle to create art in competition
The project was part of the America Recycles Day Art Challenge. The program was created by the Dutchess County Division of Solid Waste Management in recognition of America Recycles Day, Nov. 15. The goal of the challenge, according to the county, is to teach “local students about recycling and encouraging them to reuse items that might otherwise be thrown away.”
Cafeteria remodel wows PHS students; Warring next
The remodeled cafeteria spaces have high school students embracing breakfast and lunch. The next step in the district's cafeteria initiative will see renovations at Warring Elementary.
New playgrounds add accessibility, safety at schools
School District is replacing and augmenting the playgrounds at each of its five elementary buildings with the intention of adding safety, accessibility and explorative possibilities for the students.
Warring art students explore plaster masks with Vassar grant
Isabella Dotson stood behind her desk carefully using a pencil to sketch on her mostly blank mask constructed of plaster.
Students’ art display inspires confidence
Dozens of pieces of artwork created by Warring Elementary School students went on display at Vassar College as part of the 37th Annual John Iyoya Children’s Art Exhibit.
Warring achieves ‘Good Standing’
Warring Elementary School is now a school in good standing, according to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
Warring Spotlight
District News
Increasing youth opportunity, reducing inequity discussed at MLK breakfast
The annual breakfast put on by the Catharine Street Center since 1992 honors community members and organizations that embody the messages of Dr. King and highlights the accomplishments of the community’s youth.
Spelling Bee set for February
After several years without a spelling bee, Community Schools plans to hold an initial competition at Poughkeepsie Middle School Feb. 20 at 6:15 p.m., the same site and night as the department’s second annual African Diaspora Celebration during Black History Month.
CBS highlights PHS' success with cellphones
Poughkeepsie High School was featured in national news on Wednesday, Jan. 22, as an example of success banning cellphones, ahead of the state’s proposed restrictions on their use in all schools.
Capital project work improves elementary buildings
This winter break saw the department install new unit ventilators in classrooms in the Early Learning Center.
Progress in reducing chronic absenteeism; community survey available
Through December, the percentage of students characterized as chronically absent was down more than 18 percentage points compared to a year ago. And, two schools – the Early Learning Center and Krieger Elementary – have been honored as the first two winners of the district’s attendance incentive program.
Process of creating 2025-26 budget underway
District officials on Wednesday presented to the board what is in motion with the 2025-26 budget process, when key information will be known and set a timeline for updates to the board.
Cheerleaders headed to nationals at Disney
The team is preparing to compete in February at the National High School Cheerleading Championship at Walt Disney World Resort, fulfilling a longtime goal.
PHS student saves life using lesson learned in school
On Dec. 6, Victor Nelson III, a Poughkeepsie High School junior, saved a man from a drug overdose in a barbershop by administering Narcan. He had learned how to do it in Sean Lauder’s health class this semester. After the lesson, Lauder supplied each student two doses of Narcan and advised them to carry one around with them – you never know when you may need it.
Upcoming Events
February 4, 2025
Elementary Parent Teacher Conference (1/2 Day for Elementary School)
February 5, 2025
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM School Board Regular Meeting
February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025