Krieger Elementary School
We are one of four elementary schools serving City of Poughkeepsie students. In 2019-2020 enrollment was 498.
Address: 265 Hooker Ave.
Phone: 845-451-4660 (During the COVID-19 pandemic, call 845-275-4667)
Principal: Carolyn Fields, cfields@poughkeepsieschools.org
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
School hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
School Nurse: 845-451-4665
Krieger Headlines & News
Students set to bring 'Willy Wonka Jr.' to the stage
Thursday, Jan. 23, 49 Krieger students will perform “Willy Wonka Jr.” for families, friends and community members. The two-act, one-hour show begins at 6 p.m. and the doors to the school open at 5:45 p.m. That show follows a pair of in-school performances scheduled for Jan. 22 and 23.
Yusuf House chess program teaches critical thinking skills
The program is facilitated by Yusuf House of the Hudson Valley and was open to all Krieger students. Pete Markman, a social worker at Highland High School served as the head instructor, assisted by his wife and two sons, who also teach. Each week for the first five weeks around 10 students stayed after school to get to know the game of chess.
Donuts with Dad returns to massive interest
The second year of the Donuts with Dad series began Oct. 3 with a record turnout of more than 80 at Krieger Elementary. The next event, in which parents can learn more about what's going on in their child's school while sharing food and games with them, is scheduled for Warring Elementary Nov. 14.
District News
Friday Night Lights returning in March
The Community Schools program, which gives students a place for activities, games, enrichment opportunities and meals each Friday evening, is returning with the first installment tentatively scheduled to begin in March at Poughkeepsie Middle School.
Community budget input sessions planned
As the process of creating the 2025-26 Poughkeepsie City School District budget continues, the district will hold two community input sessions at which residents can learn more about the budget and discuss what they believe should be included.
Kindergarten registration open, pre-K beginning soon
Though parents are not required to send their children to school before the first grade, students who participate in pre-K and kindergarten have been shown to be more likely to succeed academically and graduate high school, are less likely to require academic intervention or special education services, and have stronger emotional and social intelligence, among a slew of other benefits.
Website launched to share elementary restructuring proposal details
The site includes details of the plan, a timeline, links to previous presentations, an FAQ section and a form through which to submit questions to the district.
Community Closet food pantry open at PMS
The idea, Community Schools Executive Director Natasha Brown said, is to serve as a resource for “families in crisis” who may need a little help closing the gaps between other assistance programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Assistant Superintendent Gallo speaks at workshop on inequalities
Dr. Charles Gallo, assistant superintendent for secondary education, took part in a two-day workshop titled Promoting Partnerships to Advance Educational Justice in Poughkeepsie, facilitated by Vassar College.
Increasing youth opportunity, reducing inequity discussed at MLK breakfast
The annual breakfast put on by the Catharine Street Center since 1992 honors community members and organizations that embody the messages of Dr. King and highlights the accomplishments of the community’s youth.
Spelling Bee set for February
After several years without a spelling bee, Community Schools plans to hold an initial competition at Poughkeepsie Middle School Feb. 20 at 6:15 p.m., the same site and night as the department’s second annual African Diaspora Celebration during Black History Month.
Helping your child at Home: Reading Strategies Parents Can Use
Here is a helpful article that is full of at-home tips for parents. If you try anything here, be sure to come into Krieger and let us know how it went!
Free Audio Books (Tumble Books)
Put your Library Card to good use! Tumblebooks offers many free books with an audio component. Plug in and enjoy!
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