- Krieger Elementary School
- Overview
Mrs. Coleman, Ms. Langdon, Ms. Dragomani, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Freeman
Math: we are exploring measurement using centimeters and meters. We are making our own rulers and using them to compare various objects. We are also putting our measurement skills to use by solving application problems in real-life situations.We are also beginning a unit on Early Asian Civilizations and we will be learning about how the early civilizations of India and China developed because of the might Indus and Ganges rivers. We are also exploring different beliefs and customs.In reading we are starting a new book called, Bedtime Tales. The class is making up their own favorite bedtime story.Grade 2 teachers are helping students settle into 2nd grade routines. In math students are practicing fluency with sums to 100. In Social Studies
students are listening and completing activities for Fairy Tales and Tall tales. In science we are learning about the human body and in Reading/
ELA students are working on letter-sound correspondences. Grade 2
teachers are looking forward to meeting all parents during Open House,
on Thursday, September 19th.
Kimberly Coleman has been teaching in Poughkeepsie City School District for 20 years. She has taught third grade for 4 years, first grade for 10 years and is currently in her sixth year of teaching second grade. You can communicate with her by using the ClassDojo website.
Regina Dragomani-Smetana is starting her 15th year as a teacher. This is her 14th year at Krieger Elementary. She teaches second grade and has taught various other elementary grades throughout her career. When she isn’t teaching, she is playing with her dogs, kayaking, or just enjoying the outdoors. You can communicate with her by using school email and/or the Class Dojo Website.
Jennifer Langdon is starting her nineteenth year teaching second grade at G.W. Krieger. Prior to this, she taught for two years in NYC. She is certified in both regular education and special education. She enjoys weaving a song, a dance, and sometimes even a high kick to her instruction.
Lisa Miller has been teaching elementary school for 5 years. She has served in both General Education and Special Education roles. You can reach her at limiller@poughkeepsieschools.org.
Michelle M. Carlson is starting her 27th year teaching in special education. She teaches in a self-contained classroom. She can be reached via email at mcarlson@poughkeepsischools.org or via class dojo.
Mrs.Watts is starting her 30th year of teaching 2nd grade in G.W. Krieger.
Prior to this, she taught 1st grade in Brooklyn New York for 3 years.
Mrs. Watts enjoys teaching second grade. She also enjoys spending time
with her family, reading and going to the beach. You can reach Mrs. Watts
at pwatts@poughkeepsieschools.org or class dojo.