- Krieger Elementary School
- Overview
Ms. Brudnak, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Davidson, Ms. Rotsky, Mrs. DeRario
Welcome to Third Grade. We are excited and eager to work with all of our new students and parents. Our ELA curriculum has been focusing on the power of reading and how people around the world access books. Our focus is to encourage our students to embrace a love of literacy and reading. Please help us with this goal by having your child read nightly for at least 15 minutes. Our math curriculum is focusing on the properties of multiplication and division and solving problems with units of 2-5 and 10. Please review all the facts nightly. Flashcards are a great way to practice and reinforce facts. We all look forward to working collaboratively with our parents and students to ensure a successful and productive school year.
Welcome to Third Grade. We are excited and eager to work with all of our new students and parents. Our ELA curriculum has been focusing on the power of reading and how people around the world access books. Our focus is to encourage our students to embrace a love of literacy and reading. Please help us with this goal by having your child read nightly for at least 15 minutes. Our math curriculum is focusing on the properties of multiplication and division and solving problems with units of 2-5 and 10. Please review all facts nightly. Flashcards are a great way to practice and reinforce facts. We all look forward to working collaboratively with our parents and students to ensure a successful and productive school year.
Alicia O’Connell is beginning her second year as a Special Education Teacher for the Poughkeepsie City School District. She has over 15 years of experience of working with students from the Pre-K level through Middle School. You can communicate with her using the class dojo website or email at aoconnell@poughkeepsieschools.org
Judi DeRario is starting her third year as a Special Education Teacher for the Poughkeepsie City School District. Prior to coming to Poughkeepsie, she has taught for over 15 years in special education in grades PreK- 9. She can be reached by using the class DoJo website or at jderario@poughkeepsieschools.org
Sue Brudnak is beginning her 25th year in the Poughkeepsie City School District. She has spent twenty-two years in third grade. She is the Elementary Mentoring Coordinator for the District and serves on the District Technology Committee. She loves all things Disney. You can communicate with her using the class dojo website or by using school email.
Christina Torres is starting her first full year as a third-grade teacher in the Poughkeepsie City School District. Prior to coming to Poughkeepsie, she taught for 14 years for the NYCDOE in grades Pre K-6. She can be reached by using the class Dojo website or by using the school email.
Jillian Rotsky is starting her second year as a third-grade teacher in the Poughkeepsie City School District. Prior to coming to Krieger, she covered half a year in a kindergarten classroom at the ELC. She can be reached using Class Dojo or by school email.
Nikki Schmitt is beginning her second year in Poughkeepsie. Prior to teaching third grade at Krieger, she was the district’s ELA/ENL Curriculum Specialist. This is her 17th year as an elementary teacher. Before coming to Poughkeepsie she spent 8 years as a Literacy Coordinator/Coach for Middletown City Schools. She has also spent 2 years teaching 5th-grade special education and 6 years teaching in grades K-6. You can communicate with her using the class dojo website or by using school email.