• Ready Reading is a research-based, data-driven instructional program that uses authentic texts and consistent practices to engage students in opportunties to practice close reading strategies in literature and nonfiction texts.  The content is aligned with the Next Generation standards for English Langauge Arts and includes a variety of on- and off-grade level resources in order to include students at all ability levels.

     The program:

    • Develops sound skills and strategies for reading comrehension
    • Supports a balance of on-grade level and differentiated instruction
    • Provides in-the-moment teacher support to guide teachers and help them build students' reading habits
    • Connects instruction to the Next Generation ELA Learning Standards across K-8 for a coherent path within and across grades


    In addition to the reading comprehension program, students will also be recieving i-Ready Personalized Instruction.  This online program supports the teaching and learning in the classroom during whole group instruction and is individualized to each students' needs according to their placement on the i-Ready Diagnostic assessments.


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