• Test


    Makes Up Dates

    Additional Information

    I-Ready Diagnostic for ELA and Math

    September 20-October 8


    *All students in the middle and high school will complete the diagnostic.*

    Mid-Year I-ready Diagnostic for ELA and Math

    January 10-19


    *All students in the middle and high school will complete the diagnostic.*

    January Regents

    January 25-28


    *For any high school students taking the regents in January. Specific testing schedules will be available at a late time*

    NYSAA English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science

    Monday, March 14 – Friday, June 10 

    Make-ups must be given within the testing window 


    NYS ELA Exam 

    Tuesday, March 29 – Thursday, March 31

    Friday, April 1 – Friday, April 8

    *For Grades 3-8*

    End of Year IReady Diagnostic for ELA and Math

    May 31-June 17


    *Middle School grades 6-8*

    May 16-May 27


    *High School, Grades 9-12*

    NYS Math Exam

    Tuesday, April 26 – Thursday, April 28

    Friday, April 29 – Monday, May 9 

    *For Grades 3-8*

    NYSESLAT Speaking 

    April 11 – Friday, May, 20 

    Make-ups must be given within the testing window


    NYSESLAT Listening, Reading, Writing 

    Monday, May 9– Friday, May 20 

    Make-ups must be given within the testing window


    Grade 8 Science Performance Test

    Tuesday, May 24 – Friday, June 3

    Make-ups must be given within the testing window


    Grade 8 Science Written Test

    Monday, June 6

    Tuesday, June 7 – Wednesday, June 8


    Regents Exams

    June 15-24


    *Specific schedule of regents exam will be available at a late date*


    *I-Ready Diagnostics are in house virtual assessments to allow us to monitor students’ progress and provide proper support as needed, ensuring the success of all students.