- Poughkeepsie City School District
- Superintendent's Bio
About the Superintendent
Poughkeepsie City School District
Superintendent Bio
Dr. Eric Jay Rosser is an accomplished educational leader with over 24 years of experience in school turnaround, educational leadership, and operational management, driven by a lifelong mission to create high-quality educational opportunities for all students. Renowned for his ability to design and implement transformative strategies, he has a proven track record of coaching educational leaders, improving instructional outcomes, and driving student success through innovative support initiatives. As a systems thinker, Dr. Rosser has led reform efforts in several districts, including the Poughkeepsie City School District (NY), Buffalo Public Schools (NY), Atlanta Public Schools (GA), and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (DC).
In August 2019, Dr. Rosser became superintendent of the Poughkeepsie City School District, where he has spearheaded significant improvements. Partnering with the board of education and community stakeholders, he developed a comprehensive five-year strategic plan that has elevated district performance. Under his leadership, Poughkeepsie has progressed from being regarded as a low-performing district to one recognized for its promise and potential, with measurable improvements in academic performance, operational efficiency, and community engagement.
Prior to his tenure in Poughkeepsie, Dr. Rosser served as associate superintendent in the Buffalo Public Schools, where he co-developed the district’s Student Success Plan, a strategic framework to improve student achievement. This plan resulted in higher graduation rates, improved accountability standings, and notable gains in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math proficiency for grades 3–8. The success of the plan has left a lasting impact on the district’s trajectory.
Dr. Rosser’s success in Buffalo positioned him for leadership roles in Washington, D.C., where he served as deputy assistant superintendent for elementary and secondary education at the Office of the State Superintendent of Education. There, he oversaw the implementation of the K–12 State Accountability System and provided school turnaround supports. He also led efforts to establish an accountability framework for early learning facilities and strengthened school-family partnerships to ensure that all stakeholders were involved in student success.
In Atlanta Public Schools, Dr. Rosser held various leadership roles, including program administrator, assistant superintendent, and interim deputy superintendent of curriculum and instruction. He oversaw the district’s signature reform initiative, which aimed to improve the academic outcomes of over 13,000 K–12 students in the district’s lowest-performing schools. His work encompassed school accreditation efforts and strategies to foster meaningful relationships with families and the community.
Dr. Rosser holds a Bachelor’s degree in American Studies, three Master’s degrees in American Studies, School Counseling, and Educational Leadership, as well as an advanced certificate in School District Administration, and a doctorate in Sociology of Education, from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Additionally, he has completed the prestigious AASA/Howard University Urban Superintendents Academy and the Council of the Great City Schools’ Michael Casserly Urban Executive Leadership Institute for Superintendents. A first-generation college attender, Dr. Rosser attributes his success to a deep commitment to ensuring all students—especially first-generation college attendees—receive a high-quality education.
Known for his unrelenting advocacy for children and families, Dr. Rosser is widely respected for his integrity, collaborative leadership, and ability to foster productive school, home, and community partnerships. His unwavering belief in the potential of every student, combined with his ability to implement transformative strategies, has solidified his reputation as a true advocate for children. Through his leadership, Dr. Rosser continues to fulfill his mission of creating high- quality educational opportunities and empowering our community’s future citizens and leaders – our children.
Contact Information
Columbus School - Administration Building
18 South Perry St.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 451-4900
The Superintendent of Schools supervises all matters directly or indirectly affecting the operations of the school district. He ensures that the administration of the school system conforms with existing laws, regulations and policies adopted by the Board of Education.
To keep up to date on events and happenings in the District please look at our calendar and read announcements that are sent home with students.
Selected School Board Policies related to the Superintendent
3000 Administration Goals
3100 Superintendent of Schools
3120 Duties of the Superintendent
3160 Evaluation of the Superintendent
Please note that the District maintains an online Policy Manual that contains the most up-to-date policies. The online manual is searchable by keyword or policy name.