• What is ParentSquare?

    ParentSquare is designed to keep parents informed and facilitate participation at school.  It is a mass communication tool that can send emails, text messages, and phone calls to district parents and staff.  ParentSquare also has a "Facebook-like" web portal with many great features!

    ParentSquare Overview for Parents

    ParentSquare Overview for Parents - Spanish

    Download the App!

    If you are viewing this message on your phone, click on the link below to download the app. If you are viewing on your computer, use your phone camera to hover over the QR image to download the app.

    iPhone - Apple Store 
    Android - Google Play Store


     ParentSquare FAQs

    • What if my contact information is incorrect, or needs to be updated?
      • Please go to this link for instructions on how to update your information on Infinite Campus. ParentSqaure is linked to Infinite Campus and will update each night.
    • What if I can't find the invitation from ParentSquare in my email?
      • Go to www.parentsquare.com/signin and enter your email that is on file with the district to receive a new invitation link. See image below:
  • Infinite Campus

    Enrollment Directions

    Student Log In

    From the District Website:

    1. User Name: Student Id #
    2. Password: Students Birth Date

    Example: Student John Smith

    Born: January 23, 2009

    Password: 012309

    1. Student will make a Password
    2. Please make a password that is easily remembered 
    3. Do not share your password with other students
    4. Enter Activation Key and select Submit
    5. If  you forget or don't know your password contact your grade level Assistant Principal

    Parent Log In

    1. Get Activation key from building administrator
    2. Go to poughkeepsieschools.org
    3. Select IC Parent Portal
    4. Click on  Campus Parent
    5. Click on New User
    6. Enter Activation Key and select Submit
    7. Create a username and password and confirm password – click on the information icon (blue circle with an i) to assess Password guidelines
    8. Select Submit
    9. To use your mobile device, download the Parent Portal App. You do not need to create your account again for the mobile device.

    How to Update Information

    1. Sign in to Infinite Campus
    2. Select 'Search' on the top of the left-side menu.
    3. From the Search drop-down list, select 'All People'.
    4. Enter the parent's name ([last name] only, or [last name] , [first name]) in the search criteria. Select 'Go'.
    5. Select the parent from the resulting left-side list.
    6. Select the 'Demographics' tab.