• Clinton 100th day Gov. George Clinton Elementary School

    Gov. George Clinton Elementary School is culturally diverse, with a student population that is approximately 51 percent Black/African American, 33 percent Hispanic/Latino, 10 percent white and 6 percent other.

    About 9 percent of our students are English Language Learners and 10 percent receive some type of special education services.

    We use EngageNY as our primary curriculum. First and second grade teachers use Core Knoledge Language Arts Curriculum while teachers in grades three through five use Expeditonary Learning. All students in the school use Eureka Math and iReady technology along with other resources.

    Students can participate in several clubs, extra-curriculars and extended learning time programs including Boys' Club, Roses and our school newspaper.

    We have established community partnerships with Barrett Art Center and Christ Episcopal Church.

    Phone: 845-451-4601 (During the COVID-19 pandemic, call 845-245-5268)

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