- Community Schools
- Overview
High level Community and Parent Engagement is a cornerstone of the Poughkeepsie City School District Community Schools model. The focus is to provide and facilitate high lever opportunities for school, home, and community to come together in supporting families that make up our community and the children who will one day serve as members of our community.
The Office of Community Schools offers a menu of opportunities for parents and community members to join the district in partnership to address the academic, social, and emotional needs of PCSD students.
Outside of these opportunities annually the district hosts three district-wide parent and community engagement events designed to bring school, home and community together to share information, engage in meaningful activity designed to strengthen partnerships, and celebrate our children.
Bridge to Poughkeepsie – is an annual event designed to welcome new families to the Poughkeepsie City School District. The event provides new families with information about the Poughkeepsie City School District and the various resources and supports offered to parents and students. Community based organizations also provide information and resources to families to better guarantee that PCSD families are aware of the rich supports that exist in the community.
Back to School Bash – is an annual event designed to celebrate the start of the new school year. District staff, community partners, and elected officials are present to provide information and resources designed to strengthen students’ success throughout the school year. Book bags donated by community partners are distributed to families who express a need.
Elevating Families Parent and Family Engagement Festival – is an annual event designed to celebrate the partnership between school, home and community. Parents are provided with important school and community information to help with summer planning for their children. The Family Festival also provides students with specially created book bags full of educational materials for students to use during the summer months.