Infinite Campus
Enrollment Directions
Student Log In
From District Website:
- User Name: Student Id #
- Password: Students Birth Date
Example: Student John Smith
Born: January 23, 2009
Password: 012309
- Student will make a Password
- Please make a password that is easily remembered
- Do not share your password with other students
- Enter Activation Key and select Submit
- If you forget or don't know your password contact your grade level Assistant Principal
Parent Log In
- Get Activation key from building administrator
- Go to
- Select IC Parent Portal
- Click on Campus Parent
- Click on New User
- Enter Activation Key and select Submit
- Create a username and password and confirm password – click on the information icon (blue circle with an i) to assess Password guidelines
- Select Submit
- To use your mobile device, download the Parent Portal App. You do not need to create your account again for the mobile device.
How to Update Information
- Sign in to Infinite Campus
- Select 'Search' on the top of the left-side menu.
- From the Search drop-down list, select 'All People'.
- Enter the parent's name ([last name] only, or [last name] , [first name]) in the search criteria. Select 'Go'.
- Select the parent from the resulting left-side list.
- Select the 'Demographics' tab.