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State Ed officials visit Poughkeepsie to see Ampact tutoring impact
Two kindergarten students sat at a small table in the Early Learning Center with Ampact Math Corps tutor Danielle Whitehead Wednesday morning.
They each flipped cards to reveal numbers and had to say if their number was more or less than their partner’s. Then, the tutor used small cubes as a visual aid to illustrate the numbers.
At the end of the roughly 15-minute session, one student asked, “Did I win?” Whitehead replied, “You both won.” Of course, they did – before the students headed back to class they got to pick out a sticker to put into their folders.
Through its K-3 Math Corps and Early Learning Corps high-impact tutoring system, Ampact has been assisting the Poughkeepsie City School District’s youngest students the last two school years with targeted sessions that expand upon their existing classes and close learning gaps.
On Wednesday, representatives from the New York Board of Regents, New York State Education Department, as well as Rochester-based childhood education group Roc the Future Alliance, visited Poughkeepsie schools to observe how the partnership between Poughkeepsie and Ampact may be replicated in other districts in need across the state.
New York Board of Regents Chancellor Dr. Lester Young, Vice Chancellor Judith Chin, NYSED Deputy Commissioner for P-12 Instructional Support Angelique Johnson-Dingle and her Chief of Staff Amalia Schiff were among the visiting guests, as was Brian Lewis, executive director of ROC The Future Alliance, who met with representatives of the district and Ampact.
“New York has some of the best schools on the planet. The problem is they’re not available to everyone,” Young said. “We spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to impact that. Change that. That’s what brings us here.”
Nearly all, 87%, of the 265 students in the Math Corps program in the last two years have improved upon their benchmark scores, according to Ampact.
The group toured the Early Learning Center to observe how the program worked at the kindergarten and pre-K levels, before spending time at Krieger Elementary to see the first through third grade tutoring.
The session was also an opportunity to discuss how the district has created a broad network of support through its Community Schools initiative, which, like Ampact, has bolstered the services offered directly by the schools.
“Talent exists beyond the teaching staff,” Dr. Eric Jay Rosser, superintendent of schools, explained. “Everyone in our community can make some level of contribution. You prepare places at the table for people to fit in and contribute. … We all have to do what’s in our power of influence to be able to provide greater opportunities to our youngest learners, who will one day be our community’s citizens and leaders.”
As they observed the tutoring sessions, the visiting administrators provided feedback and asked questions. For example, Chancellor Young asked how the math tutors address any possible vocabulary gaps with terminology the students may not know. Ampact Coaching Specialist Dana Segui explained they discuss the meanings of the words before the lesson and take notes on any gaps that they may need to revisit in future sessions.
Vice Chancellor Chin remarked on Whitehead’s “infectious enthusiasm” after watching a session. Young also praised the “relationships” that were evident between the students and tutors.
“No real learning occurs unless there are those kinds of relationships,” he said.
Early Learning Center Principal Nadine Elting-Dargan noted the tutors work in addition to the school’s existing full-time Academic Intervention Services staff.
“It’s just another level that we so, so needed here in Poughkeepsie,” she said. “It’s been such a blessing to have Ampact.”
Volunteer as an Ampact tutor
Are you interested in volunteering with Ampact to tutor students in the Early Learning Corps or Math Corps programs?
As AmeriCorps members, tutors receive a paid stipend every two weeks, money for college tuition or student loans, and health insurance and childcare assistance for those who qualify.
Visit Ampact’s education website or contact Director of Programs Kadiyah Lodge at kadiyah.lodge@ampact.us to learn more.